“The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking”

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SHARE is the monthly magazine for Alcoholics Anonymous in England and Wales. It is fondly known as our “Meeting between Meetings”.
SHARE has held its issue price at £1 per copy (including postage) at the same level since 2001. It is available for group or individual subscription
You can subscribe to SHARE from the AA GB General Service Office, PO Box 1. 10 Toft Green, York 7NJ (send a cheque payable to GSO), or email [email protected]

To pay by bank transfer, contact [email protected], or buy SHARE from a group that subscribes.

Just like membership of our wonderful Fellowship, you need not be a special type of alcoholic to write for share. No one can keep you out; you’re a member if you say you are. And if you are a member, newcomer or oldtimer, we need to hear your experience, strength and hope just like at any other meeting.

Spelling and grammar will all be amended if necessary. You can write just a few lines or more, up to about 1000 words max, but we cannot publish poetry or obituaries. Each issue of share will always feature that month’s corresponding Step and Tradition. In addition, we need your words on whatever is important in your sobriety! To help you, we have the following list of upcoming themes. But, as always, write from the heart.
Send your article at least two months before the relevant topic is due to appear. For example, Step or Tradition 10 (October) needs to be in by August 15th and so on. So put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard – help yourself and us. Send your contribution to:

UK Share Magazine

The Editor,SHARE,General Service Office, PO BOX 1, 10 Toft Green, York,YO1 7NJ

You can also email articles to us at [email protected]