“The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking”

For help and support please call 0800 917 7650

New to AA

If this is your first contact with Alcoholics Anonymous you will have many important questions such as those below. Each question is answered by our site or the national Alcoholics Anonymous website. From each answer you can return to this page using your browser back arrow.

For more infomation here is the link to AA main website for Newcomers Newcomers

No A.A. member should “play doctor”; all medical advice and treatment should come from a qualified physician
Here’s a link to a PDF leaflet ‘The AA Member- Medications and other Drugs
The AA Member- Medications and other Drugs leaflet

Here is a link to the brilliant cartoon message targeted on young people. It is taken directly from the ‘Who Me?’ pamphlet in the ‘Starter Pack’.
Alcohol and Me – A Message for Young People